Educator Resources
Educator Resources
Resources for Counselors, Teachers and Administrators
California College Guidance Initiative - The California Colleges Guidance Initiative (CCGI) stands as a comprehensive network designed to empower educators in shaping the academic journey of high school students. Through targeted strategies and personalized assistance, CCGI provides a dynamic toolkit for educators to guide students seamlessly through the college preparation process. With a state-wide presence spanning numerous regional sites, CCGI fosters communities of practice that champion high-quality teaching, leadership, and educational equity. Explore the diverse benefits of CCGI, ranging from data-driven insights to hands-on support, as we collectively work towards a future of educational success for all.
The California Subject Matter Project (CSMP) - CSMP is a network of nine discipline-based projects that provide rigorous professional development. The projects were designed by K–12 and university educators to enhance learning for all students. Through nearly 90 regional sites statewide, CSMP creates communities of practice that promote high-quality teaching, leadership and educational equity. The projects are arts, history-social science, international studies, mathematics, physical education-health, reading and literature, science, world languages, and writing.
UC Curriculum Integration (UCCI) - At UCCI, teachers collaborate to develop the integrated courses that are needed to strengthen their school’s course offerings. UCCI staff facilitates this work, ensuring the courses meet the criteria for approval in the “a-g” subject areas. UCCI Institutes are especially useful for schools and districts that are participating in linked learning, interested in providing students with college and career preparation, or are working to implement project-based learning. These workshops are designed to give teachers the time and resources to create challenging and engaging integrated courses.
UC Transcript Evaluation Service (TES) - TES is a data tool created by UC that uses detailed analysis of student transcripts to show educators, counselors and school administrators where their school or district stands with regard to overall college readiness and “a-g” progress and completion. This information can be used in a variety of ways to improve students’ academic preparedness.
Downloadable Resources from the University of California - The UC offers a variety of downloadable information to help students and counselors work their way through the admissions process. The Quick Reference Guide to UC Admissions (for counselors and advisers) is especially useful for reviewing updates and changes to UC admissions policies.