EAOP at UC Riverside participants wear T-shirts with the slogan, "College is not a dream, it's a plan!"

Our Mission

Our Mission

The Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP) has been providing support to under resourced K-12 schools for over 45 years. Established in 1976, EAOP operates at every University of California campus with the goal of preparing students to become eligible for post-secondary education.

Our program is designed to increase college preparedness by providing academic support, monitoring students' educational progress, and distributing relevant information to participants and their families. By working closely with schools and community organizations, we strive to keep students and families informed about the benefits of higher education and the requirements for college admission. Our goal is to empower students to achieve their full potential and access the opportunities that higher education can provide.

You can learn more about program by reading the mission or by visiting the systemwide EAOP website.

There are four strategies that frame EAOP and they are specifically focused on achieving post-secondary access and success for more students.

Academic Enrichment
EAOP aims to provide participants with learning opportunities to improve academic skills, master advanced high school curriculum, and have the opportunity to engage with the intellectual life of higher education. 

Family and Community Engagement
EAOP strives to provide information and resources to families and community-based organizations to support participants in their college preparation efforts. Family members are encouraged to engage in activities and services that allows them to become knowledgeable about highlight selective universities and support a 'college-going' culture beyond the classroom.


Academic Advising
EAOP specializes in academic advising that helps students stay motivated and on track to complete the A-G course requirements required for UC and CSU eligibility.

College Knowledge
EAOP provides students, families and educators receive timely, appropriate and necessary information to prepare (or assist more students to prepare) for a post-secondary education. Workshops include helping students and families navigate the complex college application and financial aid processes, and highlighting various academic and career pathways.